October 21, 2015 / Life
After a stress-free, problem-free, overload-free September, I assumed that October would yield the same results for me. And I would be proved wrong. After an unfortunate event involving a wild window shade, a vase of flowers, and my computer I was left without a laptop and subsequently my editing software for photos, video production classes, and graphic design classes. It’s been a long two weeks of living in the library, but today I am typing to you from a brand new computer (and a very small bank account). And all of this happened in the full swing of midterms. Two days left until Fall Break and my to-do list has reached new lengths, so naturally I’m writing a blog post.
And while October has held some bigger obstacles than normal the joys have blown me out of the water. On October 9th, I rolled out of bed to meet my best friend Taylor for breakfast. We do this sometimes so I didn’t shower or even clean my apartment because it’s Tay. She knocked on the back door at 8:30am, catching me off guard since she normally just comes on in. I walked to the door to find the deadbolt locked for some reason. Confused I opened the door to explain to her that that was strange, but I was met with cameras and phones in my face as three of my best friends from Boston stood in front of me screaming. What followed was a crazy weekend of running all over Chicago, way too much good food, late nights catching up, and feeling so so incredible loved.
The following weekend was our second and final frisbee tournament of the semester. The infamous Chicago invite. With 120 teams in attendance, about 2,000 players, this was going to be the largest Ultimate Frisbee tournament in the world in 2015 (And it’s run by North Park alumni, how cool is that!) Players from middle school to college flew in and drove from all over the country to attend what is known to be the best-run tournament teams go to. After it’s cancellation due to weather last spring, we were counting down the days until it began. Our team left at 5:45am for the fields. We stepped onto frost covered fields bundled up and ready to go. That weekend we lost every single game we played and I don’t think I’ve had more fun at a tournament. My shin splints came back, a team backed out on playing us last minute for our final game, and we played some teams with questionable sportsmanship, but Allihopa was incredible. We danced, laughed, ate, and supported each other continuously on and off the field. I am baffled over and over again at how amazing each of these girls (and Coach Cooper) are and how they make this team something else.
The pictures of the couple below are of the most wonderful people I got to take pictures of this month. These two are North Park alumni and celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this year. Their kindness and stories about this school were such a joy to hear as we wandered campus to take pictures.
Enjoy the random moments I caught on my camera this month more on their way!