January 9, 2016 / Travel
Costa Rica
This is my family trip to Costa Rica to visit Grandma Stevens for Christmas. We were able to see the rest of the family and absorb a little Vitamin D on the way. Bless you if you go all the way through these pictures, there are almost too many. They are mostly dogs, flowers, and beautiful sunsets. We drove around on mountain roads with so many huecos (potholes), it was questionable if they were drivable. But we drove down them and up them anyways, through people’s driveways, and across rivers to reach waterfalls, beaches, and breathtaking views. We just happened upon most of these views and they were perfect. Each paseo (daytrip) was filled with road side stops for strawberries, blackberries, mangos, or aguadulce (sweet water). The trip was incredible, so enjoy the pictures!